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Today, we find ourselves in a modern era of the automotive
industry, with a technological focus on the future. We are
currently experiencing a new automobile 'revolution', with
electrification and, in it, the transition towards hybrid, bi-fuel,
and electric vehicles, among other drive and power
technologies. Without any doubt, the car has been changing
constantly since the beginning with more power and safety
The invention of the telegraph, the telephone, radio, and
computer revolutionized the world of communications and
paved the way for mankind's greatest invention: the Internet.
The invention of the Internet changed the way people lived.
Instant access to information led to the opening of new
channels of communication around the world.
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From the Editor - Ruchika Rawan

From the Editor - Ruchika Rawan

The Inventions that have changed the world

The Inventions that have changed the world

‘The War of Currents’ 
 - Thomas Alva Edison Vs Nikola Tesla

‘The War of Currents’
- Thomas Alva Edison Vs Nikola Tesla

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